Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Winter Snowflakes

Room 12 has been writing poems all about winter. 

We thought about how we feel in winter, what we like to do in winter, and some describing words for winter time to make a diamond poem.

We also made snowflakes to go along with our winter poems.

Painting the frames for our snowflakes...

Making our snowflakes...

                                       Cutting out our snowflakes and learning about symmetry...

Come and see our poems and snowflakes in Room 12 and on display in the corridor!

Thursday, 17 August 2017

George the Dog

Today we had a special visitor in Room 12...

George the Dog!

George had heard all about the great learning going on in Room 12 and wanted to come and see it for himself (and he wanted to see where his dad Simon went to school when he was younger too)!

Thank you for coming to visit us George :) 

Thursday, 10 August 2017

Crazy Hair Day at V.AS

Today was crazy hair at V.A.S to raise money for KidsCan.

We had lots of cool hairstyles including cupcakes, spiky hair,  lots of crazy colours and even a hairstyle with a Cinderella doll!

Which crazy hairstyle was your favourite?

Monday, 7 August 2017


Room 12 has had lots of fun learning 3 different dances over the past 2 weeks.

We learnt a hip hop dance

The Pasa doble ( and dance hold!) 

and PYT

We have had a great time learning with Dean and Marc learning these dances!